Everyone likes to save money, but sometimes it is not always apparent where that savings can possibly even come from. Most people are actually paying more on their air conditioning bill than they should be, and that's because it isn't being use to its full capacity. The air conditioning system includes more than just the unit itself. The filter and ducts that rung throughout your home are also part of the system. So are you really doing everything you can to use as much of your air conditioner's capacity as you can? Probably not. Even if you have a system that is 97 percent efficient, there are probably other things you could be doing to save money as well.
For example, as much as 60 percent of your system's operating capacity could be lost simply because the ducts in your home are poorly designed. If the ducts are not designed properly, then even the most efficient air conditioner will not run efficiently. Often an air conditioning system is only as efficient as the ductwork that is connected to it.
So what does it mean if your air conditioning system has unused capacity? The percentage of capacity that goes unused is essentially the amount of cooling the system is potentially able to do because of the type and size of the system it is. However, for some other reason, it isn't living up to its potential. So how do you go about figuring out what is causing your loss in air conditioning capacity? It's always best to call in a professional to determine what is causing the problem. Here are some common causes for lost capacity:
• Poorly designed ducts - As we've already mentioned, ducts that have been poorly designed are probably one of the leading causes for loss of capacity in an air conditioner. There can be any number of design flaws in a system, and only a professional air conditioner technician can spot these flaws.
• Leaking ducts - It may seem like a leak in the ductwork isn't that big of a deal. After all, it's still cold air getting into your home, right? But that air is likely leaking into a part of the home that doesn't actually need it, like the attic or basement. Even if it is leaking into a functioning part of the home, it still means that that area of the house will be cooler than other parts of the house, which will cause your air conditioner to run more, thus losing capacity.
• A unit that is too large or too small for the space. Another big problem for air conditioning systems is having a unit that is not the right size for the space that it serves. Bigger is definitely not better in spaces that are smaller. Check with an air conditioning specialist to find out what size you actually need for your home. It isn't a bad idea to get several opinions either because some salesmen will try to sell you one that is larger than what you actually need. Systems that are too small won't cool properly, and those that are too large will cycle constantly, causing moisture problems inside your home. So do what you can to get a unit that is the right size.
• Lack of insulation - Insulation is meant to keep temperatures in (or out). While most people think of insulation on the exterior walls of their home, there are internal places it can be helpful too, like around the hot water heater and around certain ducts in your home.
Every homeowner can recover some of their air conditioner capacity if they just know what to do.
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